
Showing posts from September, 2014

Changes are good

To start things off, I want to thank everyone who read my last blog post. It means so much to me that you took the time to read it, and it’s a really humbling feeling to know that it has sparked a positive reaction from so many. That was probably one of the most personal pieces of writing I have ever done, and the support that I’ve gotten from it is insane. I can’t thank you all enough :)

Let me explain to you a thing

First things first, I'm sorry for the tone change (once again) - I just feel like this needs to be said. Onwards with my post for today...

Life Appreciation Post

It feels like such a long time since I wrote something positive and happy on this blog… I think it’s time for a change in tone, don’t you?

Late night laments (or early morning musings, depends how you view midnight)

Of late, it would seem that I’m using this blog to express anger that’s been stirring around inside of me for a while – truth is, I have a lot to express. Some would say I have too much to express, which is usually why I’m rarely silent.