
Showing posts from 2019

International Women's Day

Hey friends! Back at it again with another post, but this time of happiness! For what, you may ask. Well, if you haven’t gathered from the title - today is International Women’s Day here in NZ, and it’s been a day where I’ve had all of my social media feeds filled with posts commending the women in the world who make this life the greatest for friends and family. So here I am, providing my own offering of sorts, a celebration of the women in my life who support, love and challenge me to be the best person I can be and to do the best I can with what I have.

An Open Letter - To My Ex-Best Friend

Hi there, I hope this finds you well and that you’re ready for an onslaught of words on these pages... To give the rest of you some background, this woman actually was in my life for ten years and exited at a rather pivotal point in my life around three years ago.