The afternoon from Hell!

First things first, I want to wish my friend, Nicole, a massive happy birthday for yesterday!

Anyway, onwards with my blog post for today…

Yesterday afternoon was (in many ways) the worst afternoon I’ve had to suffer through in a long time, for a number of reasons actually. Most of my friends would call me “overdramatic” or “moody” but really, I just plain hated that afternoon. I suppose I should tell you why…

Yesterday was my first Perspectives on the Media class, and I thought that it was going to be sweet as. I decided to meet a friend for lunch before my class (she had an afternoon class as well, and I hadn’t seen her in a while so why not?). When it came time for us to go back to Wintec for our classes, you could probably say that I was dreading it. As it turns out, my ex-boyfriend is in that class as well, and I wasn’t looking forward to seeing him.

So I go to the room where we’re meant to have our class, and I find that there’s no one there. Thinking that I was early, I sat down and waited for someone else to arrive. After about half an hour, no one else had arrived. I decided that I would go and find a Media Arts tutor to see what was going on, the one I spoke to said that I was at the right place and that I should wait a little bit longer. So wait I did, and still no one else had arrived. I then decided to go the hub and ask at the Student Learning office, and that was when I found out that I was (at least) two hours early (the class actually starts at 3pm). Now at this point, I am incredibly tired and frustrated! How dare people not tell us what time the class is!

Two hours later, the tutor arrives at the classroom where at least half of us are waiting. Me being the outspoken person I am, basically lectured the tutor (I’ve had her before, so she’s somewhat used to my ‘outspoken’ personality) about how no one (including her) told us what time we had to be there. She apologised profusely then asked me to calm down. I remained in a crap mood for the rest of the class, which finishes at 6pm. I asked my tutor if we could possibly reschedule the class, I mean no one wants to come to class in the late afternoon – especially if they have a morning class. She said that it wasn’t possible, so we’re just going to have to “suck it up” (her words, not mine). Having a class so late in the day kind of messes with my schedule a little bit, as by 3pm I’m usually almost finished with every other class I have. I also have to fit in my food shopping before class (I always do it afterwards).

This afternoon, I have my first Introduction to Journalism class. I’m not quite sure what to expect, my friends that have taken that class say that it’s an easy class. I like writing (as you can tell with this blog haha), so I hope that I’ll learn more about how to improve my writing. Maybe then my future blog posts will be slightly better than they are now? When class finishes today, I get to visit my older sister and her kids – they’re going to a kid’s show in Hamilton and they’ll be staying with a family friend while they’re here. I can’t wait to see them, even though I saw them almost two weeks ago when I went back home. Hopefully today will be much better.

See you soon!

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