March is craaazyyy! So was February

I don’t know how many stars fill the sky,
I know we’re here but I don’t know why.”

I’m not sure why I decided to start this post with some lyrics from a Lady Antebellum song… Maybe because I saw a sky filled with stars about an hour ago? I’m not sure if that’s a reasonable answer, but ah well, I’m sticking with it.

I’ve been back at Wintec for about a month now (or just over), and it’s been a rather eye-opening experience. I should be used to how intense it is, but alas, I was left surprised – and I still am. Trying to keep myself steady and calm is hard work. I never truly realised just how difficult it is to retain some sort of normality in my life, until nearly everything that had the potential to change, did. It wasn’t a gradual change either, it was very, very sudden, and I was definitely not okay with that.

Being away from studying for the three months that I was, made me aware of some rather important things, not working for an extended period of time did this as well.

With me, being busy is the way that I deal with everything in my life. Whether I’m studying, working on assignments, catching up with friends and family, or doing chores around the house, I always need something to keep myself busy – otherwise I just shut down, and this leads to overthinking (and often a dark mood shortly after said overthinking).

While being busy is great for me, recently my flatmate (as awesome as she can be) said to me rather abruptly, “have you heard of a day off? Seriously!”
That really hit me harder than I thought, as I realised she was right (she’ll laugh in my face if she ever reads this). Taking time to relax is just as important as getting everything done. As much as being crazily productive will help me in getting all of my assignments done, it isn’t going to help if I end up hurting myself in the process now is it?

I guess that would be my piece of advice for anyone reading this… Work hard, but also take time for yourself. If faced with a decision of getting an assignment done (that you might have worked all night on), and taking time out for yourself – always choose the second option. You won’t be much use to anyone if you’re run-down and exhausted.

I suppose I should divulge what I’ve been up to since I last posted…

Well, about a month ago, I had the opportunity to work at a student music festival called Hullabaloo (google it if you wanna know more). I was part of the promotions team for the organisers, I put up posters around Wintec, I also put flyers on cars, and handed out flyers as required at the university (which is about a ten minute drive away from Wintec). I also was a part of the setting up, and ticketing upgrades on the night (upgrading people’s general admission tickets for a VIP one, which costed $20). It was probably one of the most rewarding experiences this year, as I got to be right in the middle of event organisation and promotion. It’s part of what I want to do when I graduate from Wintec, and I feel that this experience (and others like it) will help me get a job doing exactly what I did.

Two weeks ago, Angelo and Chanel came to visit me (older brother and sister, although you should probably know that by now). It was the first time I had seen any of my family since New Year’s Eve, and it was really nice just to spend time with them, and talk about what we had all been up to. I miss my family every day, and it absolutely breaks my heart when I see them, because it means that it all has to end at some point, and we all have to return to our lives.

Their visit did teach me something rather important, that we should each appreciate the people around us, because we all have a limited time – so why spend our time being horrible?

Sorry to get all deep and heavy, but you get my point, right?

Wintec has been crazy busy (like I said), but we have two more weeks left before we get a two week break for Easter. I’ve also been published in Wintec’s monthly online newsletter twice, which is a huge achievement for me! I’m also writing for a Maori and Pasifika student magazine this year, which should help my writing further and encourage me to grow and develop as a writer.

Not much else has happened, although I’m going for my learner’s license when my holidays start… Wish me luck! Fingers crossed I actually get it this time. I tried getting my license when I was about 15 or 16, but clearly that didn’t happen, so this time will hopefully see me get it!

Stay tuned for more crazy antics!

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