A year in review: 2015

Hi everyone,

Sorry for posting this later than I wanted to, but without further ado, here is my Year in Review.

I’m not sure where to start, but what I do know for sure is that 2015 was the year where a LOT happened. A lot of laughs, tears, screams, and panic attacks – but of course, I rose above all of it and here I am, sitting here, clicking away at a keyboard in the hopes that I’ll be able to sum up an entire year in just one post.

So, here goes nothing…

Like I said, a lot happened in 2015. A lot of things that have shaped the course of my future, and a lot of things I definitely could’ve done without (if I’m going to be honest).

I loved people who didn’t love me back (or were too naïve to actually know), people came at me with no forethought, I put my trust in people who ended up letting me down, and I learnt a lot more about the wonderful world of Communications (as much as I hated a few of my classes, they actually did help me in some way).

I fought for people I cared about, and for the things I thought I couldn’t live without. I grew out of dreams and filled new ones I never thought I would. I endured people from my past (and told them to piss off a few times as well) and brought many awesome people into my future.

I had experiences I never thought I would, and realised my potential when it seemed like the entire world was working to crush me. I put my heart on the line multiple times, and most times it paid off. I found a new sense of confidence and tried to go as hard as I could without hurting myself or the people around me.

This year was the time for heartbreak and loss, but also joy and comfort. For wisdom and courage, but also sadness and disbelief.

There have been times where I’ve felt on top of the world (untouchable if you will), and times where I’ve felt defeated by the world’s cruel way of working.

But just like the phoenix, I will rise again.

Some of the things I’ve done this year have proven to be a true test of what I believe to be true and good, whereas other things have been purely for amusement. Luckily for me, I have a lot to look forward to next year.

This year has been one of the more challenging and confusing years, but I am so glad I’ve stuck around to see it through. As much as I didn’t like a lot of what happened, I realise that without those things happening, I wouldn’t have had as many opportunities to grow and change into the person I am today.

This time of year is usually reserved for frivolous drinking and partying, but for me, it is a time of reflection and giving thanks to everyone who has helped make this year one to remember (and parts of it to forget).

Thanks firstly to my family – without your constant support and encouragement every time I go home, I wouldn’t be clicking away at a keyboard in Hamilton with two years of a degree under my belt. I wouldn’t be motivated (as much) to carry on when it seemed that the world was doing its best to destroy me from the inside out. I wouldn’t be as happy when things were going right if I didn’t have all of you to share it with. I wouldn’t have the love you’ve given inside of me to put into my work and achieve what I never thought possible. I love all of you so very much, you make the time I spend away from you worth it.

Secondly, thank you to Hannah, my (annoying) flatmate, and one of my closest friends. No matter how moody I am, or how excited I get, you are always there (mostly because we live together), and a simple ‘thank you’ will never be enough. You are calm and patient when I feel like the world is having a field day with my emotions, and you’re always the first to find out anything good or bad. No matter how much we bicker, and get annoyed at each other, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Love you banana!

Thank you to Tamara and Sharnae, two more of my closest friends. Without you two constantly reassuring me that I’m not totally alone – I’m not quite sure what would’ve happened to me. That took a dark turn, but I really do mean it. You two are absolutely wonderful and I thank you both so much for always being there for me. I hope next year will bring many more moments of craziness and excitement, and I can’t wait to see your names in print next year!

Thank you to Nicole (Wallace) for always being a text away to convince me that not everything is going to turn to shit at any given point. Thank you for being patient, understanding, and kind. Sometimes all you need is for someone to show some kindness, so thank you for always being a source of that. I look forward to spending more and more time with you, wherever 2016 takes us next.

Thank you to Naomi, another one of my closest friends. You have always been so encouraging of whatever I’ve chosen to do and have talked me out of doing a lot of things that probably wouldn’t have helped. Thank you for also being rather persistent in me taking the Editor’s role for Te Kete Korero in 2016. It’s all your fault, and I am so grateful that you believed in me enough to put that idea in my head. Thanks again!

Thank you to my tutors at Wintec this year. I know I’m not the easiest person to deal with on a regular basis (as all of my friends and family will attest to), but you all have taught me some very valuable things, which I will hopefully use in my future. Wintec is a place where I never thought I’d end up, but I’m so glad I did, because if I hadn’t, I don’t think I would’ve had the opportunities I’ve had. Thanks especially to those tutors I’ve had multiple times this year (looking at you, Gail Pittaway!), may 2016 bring more chances to put some knowledge into my head!

Thank you to Olivia and Rachael, two more people I have the pleasure of calling my friends. I am so proud of you both and have loved seeing what adventures this year gave to you.

Olivia, thank you for always being there for me, especially in classes, where we would bond over butter chicken pies, and giving the tutor as much crap as we could without getting caught. I look forward to next year.
Rachael, you are so amazing! Thank you for always making me laugh with your ridiculousness and never-ending amounts of hugs. I hope next year will be everything you want and more.

And finally, thank you to everyone else I’ve met this year. As much as I don’t like people (because let’s face it, they annoy me), the people I’ve met and grown closer to have helped me see that life is definitely too short to sit and wait for something to happen. You’ve brought out things in me I never knew I had, and have also made me angrier than ever. 
You’ve put me in situations I’ve simultaneously loved and hated, and brought about experiences I never thought I’d have.

With all of this in written form, I shall sign off my final blog post for 2015 with a smile on my face (which you can’t see), and all the happiness inside of me that I can muster. I wish all of you a happy new year and I’ll be back in January with more craziness!

Love always,
Tessa xxx

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