Monday 27 April 2015

30 Day Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Six

April 26, 2015
Day Twenty Six - A letter to a stranger

Dear stranger,

I have no idea who you are, and you probably don’t care who I am – but I thought I’d write you a letter anyway. No real reason, just because.

I find writing to be weirdly relaxing, like I could be having the shittiest of days, and it wouldn’t matter – because as long as I can write about it, I can deal with whatever is bothering me.

I hope someday to be able to give this to you, and then you’ll see just how much this letter and its contents mean to me, just like you possibly could. When I think of who this letter would be given too, the image of a young woman springs to mind, and I’m not sure why. Other times I’ll think some more, and the image changes, and becomes that of a young man.

Maybe it’s because I’m indecisive and can’t figure out what I want. With my work, I am dead set on what I want, and I know what I need to do – but I lack the motivation to start. That is one of the only things I am that sure of, and everything else, is just a giant puzzle that I can’t seem to figure out.

So, stranger (whoever you may be) thank you for existing, and may you navigate your way through this world better than I ever could.

Fellow stranger.