Monday 27 April 2015

30 Day Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Seven

April 27, 2015
Day Twenty Seven - A letter to your idol, hero or someone you look up to.

Dear Aletia,

I know you’ll read this, and you’ll think I’m such a dork – but I do look up to you, literally because you’re taller than me, but also because you always seem to be there right when I need you.

You might think I’m being a kissass because I’m writing this letter, and I just happen to be talking to you right now, but I do mean it. You’re funny and smart, and I’m so lucky to know someone like you!

I know things aren’t always easy, with tech demanding our attention and focus, but I know that no matter what happens with either of us (or our friends), you’ll still be there – ready and waiting to hear all about how shitty my day was. I’ve never really thanked you for always being there for me, so this will hopefully start that process.

You’re patient and quiet when I can be nothing but loud and fast, and you always deal with my crap in a calm and manageable way. Even in my darkest moments, you’re still there, as present as ever. 
You somehow always have the right thing to say, when it feels like no one else understands, here you come with a quote or a funny pic from Facebook, and suddenly I’m laughing so hard that my face hurts! Thank you for all of the things you’ve shared with me, some of the photos I’ve saved on my laptop, and I look at them whenever I feel sad, and they still cheer me up.

Thank you for listening to me rant about anything and everything. It’s nice to not be judged or mocked because I think differently to other people. I hope you know that you can always come to me whenever you need, and I’ll be waiting with a listening ear and open arms for you to tell me anything and everything. You’re one of the few people I feel I can trust with anything, and I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know.

I’m sorry this is really long, but this all had be said at some point in our lives, so why not start now?

Forever appreciative and amazed.