Wednesday 29 April 2015

30 Day Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Nine (the end is in sight!)

April 29, 2015
Day Twenty Nine: A letter to your day.

Dear Today,

You were very horrible to me. First you throw my ex-boyfriend at me, and then you throw someone else at me. I didn’t need either of them today, and it just wasn’t a good time.

It was also raining and cold. I was late to my morning class, and I got caught in the rain on my way there. It kept raining at random times, and like I said, it was cold.

I had a two-hour meeting with my AMC group today, and that mainly consisted of us trying to decide on our group name. I don’t think we’ve actually settled on one yet, unfortunately. We talked more about our group project, and defined our roles. We started planning our PowerPoint presentation, and we made a plan to meet up at the same time on Monday, which means I can’t leave tech til after that meeting has finished. I mean I could leave, but then I’d have to come back, and that just seems like a waste of time.

Class was shit. I was late (like five minutes late, but still), and I was just not having a good time. After we had a twenty minute break, my most recent ex-boyfriend decides to text me randomly. Clearly I was not in the mood, and a friend and I were just reading over his ridiculous attempts to have a conversation with me. I quickly gave up on it and left him hanging.

After class, a friend and I decided to hang out inside the library while I waited for my AMC meeting to start. She told me about a potential job I could go for, and she helped me edit my CV so I could send it away. Fingers crossed I hear back from the person soon!
When my friend left, we had a rather heated and awkward conversation, which resulted in me being in a shitty mood for the rest of the afternoon. I had to hold back the tears after my AMC group left, they had provided a nice distraction while they were there, and I tried my hardest to get stuck into my work after they left.

I walked home and it started raining again just as I was walking down my driveway. I walk into the house and my flatmate was on the phone to her parents. I lay down on my bed and just cried for what felt like forever. She walked into my room to talk about our days, but I was clearly upset, so she tried to ask me what was wrong. I couldn’t get two words out without crying, so she called another friend to come talk to me.

My other friend came over and stayed for dinner. We talked about how I was feeling. I was visibly upset by this, and she just let me rant until I couldn’t anymore. I liked having her there, and it made me feel much better. I made nachos for my friend, flatmate, and I for dinner, and we just talked and shared stories about injuries we sustained as younger people. That was rather fun. My friend left at about 9pm, and I talked to my flatmate to apologise about my mood earlier. I gave her a hug and thanked her for calling my other friend to talk to me.

Now I’m in bed with my hot water bottle that I found in my wardrobe earlier. I’m listening to music on Spotify and talking to a friend on Facebook and texting another friend. I sound like I have a lot of friends in this; it’s a little difficult to keep up with to be honest.

Let’s hope tomorrow will be better, I could sure use a change of mood and scenery.